Chamber of Commerce
The Baylor Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1919, exists to preserve and protect the traditions of Baylor University.
What We Do
The Baylor Chamber of Commerce offers custom-made banners and billboards for the purpose of advertising student and departmental events on campus.
The Baylor Line is the core of Baylor Spirit and Traditions as an organization composed entirely of new incoming students. The Line, established in 1970, represents the commitment of the entire Baylor Nation to support and cheer on our Bears.
A Tradition of Stewardship, Education, and Conservation. The "Patron Saint of all Baylordom," the Bear has served as the Baylor Mascot since 1914 when students selected it over the Buffalo, Antelope, Frog, Ferret, and Bookworm.
Dia started in 1932 as a way to "bring smiles to the faces of students" by giving them a break from classes. The annual spring holiday gradually became a favorite pastime.
A tradition at Baylor since 1960, Family Weekend strives to help families of Baylor students become better acquainted with the University and its beloved traditions.
Homecoming includes a mix of celebrations and campus events culminating in the football game. This historic tradition reunites Bears across the decades with meaningful experiences for the entire Baylor Family.